Hello friends, my name is Rahul Bharadwaj, and I am a professional blogger, I have created this blog only for you so that you can get good information from this blog, and that too for free. I keep posting articles about web development, programming language, and script language on this blog every day for you people. So that you can get some information by reading this article. So that you people can also learn web development, application development, programming language, and script language by yourself by reading the posts on my blog. You people also want you earn money online by learning web development, application development, programming language, and script language. Today I am going to write a very good post for you on this blog so that you can learn web development, It will be easy to learn application development, programming language, and script language. Today I am going to tell you about Install Internet Information Services(IIS) Before installing Visual Studio 2012 of Asp.net in this post. And I request you that you will like this post of ours.
Before installing VS 2012, you need to install Internet Information Services (IIS) Drom the Control Panel IIS is required for the better performance of ASP.NET Web applications. IIS enhances the security reliability, and manageability of the Web application. Let's perform the following steps to install IIS 7.5
1. Click Start --> Control Panel, as shown in Fig-
The Control Panel window
2. Click the program option in
the control panel window, as shown in the figure.
The Program window appears.
3. Click the Turn Window Features
on or off option on the right pane of the program window, as shown in Fig-
The Windows Features dialog box
appears figure.
4. select the Internet
Information Services check box.
5. Click the OK button to
start installing an IIS in your system, as shown in Fig.
A Microsoft Windows message box
appears that shows the progress of turning on the feature of IIS, as shown in
It remains for a few minutes till the turn-on of the feature completes. After the successful completion of installing IIS 7.5, let's now learn to install VS 2012.
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Iststalling Visual Studio 2012
The installation process for VS 2012 is very easy. You have to follow
some simple steps to complete the installation successfully.
Let's perform the following steps
to install VS 2012:
1. Insert the DVD-ROM of VS
2012 in the DVD-ROM drive. The setup file vs_ultimate appears in Fig.
2. Double-click the vs_ultimate
file, as shown in Fig.
The Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate edition logo appears, as shown in Fig.
After some time, the Microsoft
Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate wizard appears.
3. Select the I agree to the
License terms and conditions check box.
4. Click the Next button, as
shown in Fig.
The next screen appears in the
wizard that prompts you to select the features that you want to install.
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5. Select the Select All check
box if you want to install all the features of Visual Studio 2012.
6. Click the INSTALL button, as
shown in Fig
The installation process of Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate starts. The
progress bar displays the progress of the installation process.
After the successful installation
of the components of Visual Studio 2012, a new screen in the wizard appears
that prompts you to restart the system to complete the installation of
Visual Studio 2012.
7. Click the Restart Now button
to restart the system, as shown in Fig.
When your computer restarts, again the installation of the components of Visual Studio Ultima 2012 starts,
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After the successful installation
of all the components, the Setup Successful message appears on the screen.
8. Click the LAUNCH button to start the Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, as shown in Fig.
Opening Visual Studio 2012
After the installation process of
VS 2012 is completed, you can open it by performing the following steps:
1. Click Start --> All
Programs Microsoft --> Visual Studio 2012--> Visual Studio 2012, as
shown in Fig.
When you open the VS 2012 for the
first time, the Choose Default Environment Settings dialog box that prompts you
to configure the IDE appears.
2. Select the General Development
Settings option from the Choose your default environment settings list box.
3. Click the Start Visual Studio button, as shown in Fig.
The Microsoft Visual Studio message box appears on the screen that indicates the time taken to load the user settings for the first time, as shown in Fig.
After the user settings are loaded, the Start Page of Microsoft VS 2012 appears.
So, friends, I hope you liked this article and you must have understood and learned to Install Internet Information Services(IIS) Before installing Visual Studio. To create computer and laptop applications and software, you need to know ASP.Net and its coding. So that you can create software for computers, PCs, and laptops.
Finally, I would like to tell you that if you liked this information about Install Internet Information Services(IIS) Before installing Visual Studio, and you liked our post, then do share it on social media so that other people can also learn it. If you want to ask anything, please comment below.